
As a writer of sorts, and a frequently blocked one, I'm fond of my metaphors, of finding the right metaphor that'll get me around the block. The red line's my favourite for describing how I aim to run--into the danger zone, but escaping damage. During a race it means giving 100% (not 110%, not  90%). In training, though, giving 100% too often means going over the red line (getting injured). This is what it means to look for the red line--knowing what it means to give it all you've got, and knowing when you should do that, and when you should give less (but not too much less) than all you've got.
The red line isn't the best metaphor for the kind of writing I do as a humanities Ph.D. When I write, it's more like going out without a map, getting lost, and eventually finding your way home, somehow. Or not. These are some of my excursions.